Tuesday, January 11, 2011

just want to make buildings

Birds are printed with, his birth first saw someone, put who as a mother.

LiuTao more and more like XuTao, but he still LiuTao.
He is not a businessman, he is like lu YaXun more than XuZhiSen, XuZhiSen is a merchant, lu YaXun just doing his own job, architecture.
LiuTao just want to make buildings, but he just more hope distance success nearer.

Finally, he LiuTao LiuTao still choose not spirit XianEr, nor meters sarai, because he essentially was not rich, and he have nothing left.
He is never XuZhiSen hope XuTao, even though they have been much similar.

Struggle is about as many people, it seems, in fact they were in the same plane, like HuaZi and lulu, HuaZi don't understand lulu, because he was born from Beijing, do not understand the north bleaching sheds and insecurity, but hog understand.

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